Thursday, February 17, 2011

Debbie Allen

Debbie Allen went to Jack Yates High School in Houston,TX in 1967. She went to Howard University. Debbie Allen was born on Janurary 16, 1950. She was an atress, dancer, and choregrapher. Debbie Allen was 3 when she started dancing. She directed the the TV show " A Different World". Debbie's sister was on the "Cosby Show". Debbie Allen reauditioned for the Houston Foundation for Ballet in 1964, and this time was admited on a full sholarship and became the companys first black dancer.


  1. I didn't know Debbie's sister was on "The Cosby Show" nor that she directed "A Different World." Who was her sister?

    I'm glad that you included what impact she had on African American history. Can you put in a picture of her as well?

  2. Miss Haight I did included a picture of her.

  3. I posted this right as you added the picture. We were posting at the same time! :)
